Main Publications
Socio-technical Systems Epidemiology Biological & Human Systems Network Theory Edited Books & Chapter Contributions Books & Reviews
Edited Books & Chapter Contributions
“Dynamics of Biomolecular Networks”
Chapter 11 pp 349-379, in “Systems Biology: Current Topics from the Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine” (Edited by Robert A. Meyers), ISBN: 978-3-527-32607-5 (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012)
E. Cozzo, J. Sanz, and Y. Moreno
“Modeling Epidemic Spreading in Complex Networks: Concurrency and Traffic”
Chapter contribution to the Handbook of Optimization in Complex Networks , Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 57, Thai, My T.; Pardalos, Panos M. (Eds.)
S. Meloni, A. Arenas, S. Gómez, J. Borge-Holthoefer, and Y. Moreno
“Growing Networks Driven by the Evolutionary Prisoner’s Dilemma Game”
Chapter contribution to the Handbook of Optimization in Complex Networks , Springer Optimization and Its Applications, Vol. 57, Thai, My T.; Pardalos, Panos M. (Eds.)
J. Poncela, J. Gomez-Gardeñes, L. M. Floria, and Y. Moreno
“Dyadic and Social Influence on the Axelrod Model with Clever Mass Media”
Chapter contribution to the collection “Mass Media: Coverage, Objectivity and Changes”, Nova Publisher, (2010)
A. H. Rodríguez, and Y. Moreno
“Handbook on Biological Networks”
World Scientific Singapore, December 2009
Editors: S. Boccaletti, V. Latora and Y. Moreno
“Complex Network Modeling: a New Approach to Neurosciences”
Chapter contribution, in “Coordinated Activity in the Brain: measurements and relevance to brain function and behaviour” , Springer Verlag, (2009)
Y. Moreno
“Structural and dynamical properties of cellular regulatory networks”
In “Statistical mechanics of cellular systems and processes” , Edited by M.H. Zaman, Cambridge University Press, (2009)
R. Sinatra, J. Gomez-Gardeñes, Y. Moreno, L.M. Floría, D. Condorelli and V. Latora
“The Modeling of Biological Networks”
Physics of Complex Systems and Life Sciences, Book Chapter , Edited by M. A. F. Sanjuan, (Research Signpost, 2007)
L. M. Floria, Y. Moreno, and J. Gomez-Gardeñes