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Visiting Scientists

Xiangrong Wang

Dr. Xiangrong WANG

Dr. Xiangrong WANG (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands). My main research interests lie in the fundamental understanding, characterization, and manipulation of complex networks, mainly from the perspective of graph spectra. The interplay between fundamentals of networks

and nonlinear dynamics (e.g., population dynamics, epidemic spreading) on networks is also one of the research focus. In addition, I am interested in the application of network theory to ecological systems, transportation systems, and power systems.

Thomas PERON

Dr. Thomas PERON

Dr. Thomas PERON (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil). My research interest lies in understanding and explaining how the structure of complex networks shapes the dynamics on top of them.
In particular, my research currently focuses on the study of collective dynamics of nonlinear coupled oscillators (mainly Kuramoto model); analysis of spectral properties of complex networks;
and statistical characterization of real-world networks.

Guilherme F. de ARRUDA

Dr. Guilherme F. de ARRUDA

Dr. Guilherme F. de ARRUDA (ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy). He is a researcher at ISI Foundation. His interests are nonlinear dynamics and stochastic processes on top of complex networks and structured populations. More specifically,
he focuses his research on epidemic and rumor spreading in single and multilayer networks. Additionally, he is also engaged in the structural characterization of multilayer networks, essentially their spectral properties.

Cheng-Yi XIA

Dr. Cheng-Yi XIA

Dr. Cheng-Yi XIA (Anhui Province, China, 1976) got his PhD degree in control theory and engineering (2008) from Nankai University in Tianjin. Since 2001, he has been a member of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University of Technology. His current research interests include: modeling of complex systems, networking model of software package, dynamics of epidemic disease and computer virus, evolutionary game theory, cloud computing, multi-agent systems etc. He has published over 30 scientific papers in international refereed journals (e.g., Sci Rep, PLoS One, Nonlinear Dynamics, Physica A, CSF, Chin Sci Bul, Phys Scr, Adv Comp Sys, Int J Mod Phys C) and he
serves as reviewer for over 10 peer-reviewed journals (e.g., PLoS One, Physica A, CSF, Chin Sci Bul, App Math Comp, Sci China F, Nonlinear Dyn, Math Prob Eng.). His research work has been supported by NNSF (National Natural Science Foundation) of China and Natural Science Foundation in Tianjin, and also serves as a reviewer for the NNSF of China and other research agencies. At present, he is an Academic Editor of PLoS ONE and also a member of Chinese Computer Federation (CCF). He stayed at Cosnet Lab as visiting scientist from September 2011 to September 2012; where he worked in close collaboration with Dr. Sandro Meloni and Prof. Yamir Moreno.

Zhen Wang

Dr. Zhen Wang

Dr. Zhen Wang obtained the Master in Theoretical Physics at the School of Physics in Nankai University, Tianjin, China and did his PhD Thesis at the Department of Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University. Dr. Wang has received diverse honors and awards at Nankai University, China and also the special award: Excellent PhD Scholarship in Hong Kong Baptist University. His scientific and research activity is basically focused on the study of Population Dynamics, Evolutionary Game
Theory, Network Theory (structure & dynamics), Online Social Networks, Systems Biology and Statistical Physics. He has published several papers in international scientific Journals (Europhysics Letters, Physical Review E, Scientific reports, PloS ONE, etc.), which are mainly devoted to the study of cooperation phenomena and public-goods games. He stayed at Cosnet Lab as visiting scientist from June 2012 to September 2012.

Francesco Chiaravalloti

Francesco Chiaravalloti

Francesco Chiaravalloti (Catanzaro, Italy, 1976) is a Ph.D. Student at Department of Physics, University of Calabria, Rende (Italy). He graduated in Physics (Summa Cum Laude) at the same University in 2002, with a master thesis entitled “Numerical study of ions transport on percolating magnetic structures”. He was research fellow of the Italian National Research Council (CNR): from 2002 to 2004 at the Institute on Membrane Technology (ITM) of Rende, studying Hydrogen-Palladium interactions in the framework of Hydrogen permeation through metallic membranes; and from
2005 to 2009 at the Research Institute of Geo-Hydrological Protection (IRPI) of Rende, where he worked on meteorological convective extreme events, remote sensing observations and data analysis. Nowadays, his research activity is focused on the study of chaos and complexity, with particular regard to synchronization and emergences in collective dynamics of coupled non-linear oscillators. He was a visiting scientist at Cosnet Lab- BIFI from November 2013 to May 2014.